
The world is messed up and it’s not getting any better.

Most people are living in their comfortable houses, getting all their basic needs like Food, Shelter, Access to education, Access to good medical facilities, etc met. Some even get their secondary wants like electricity, infrastructure, good roads, access to Social media, access to information, luxuries met either for their hardwork or at the expense of other people- as a form of corruption.

However, there is a good number of people who can’t get even their most basic needs like access to food, water and shelter met.

I’d rather listen to you than come to your funeral.

I’m seeking to bridge the gap between these two groups of people living in our country- and extending to the world at large.


To talk.

As simple as that may sound, talking has proven to be therapeutic, problem solving, self esteem- building and relationships strengthening altogether.

I aim to expose the evils in our society by conducting simple interviews with individuals who will remain anonymous and let you talk to me about the struggles you’ve had, how you’ve overcome them with the aim of shining light to (a) person(s) who’s probably in the same dark, claustrophobic position.

What to Talk About

  • Corruption
  • Mental health
  • Menstrual Hygiene
  • Religion/Superstitions and GOD
  • Judgements
  • Body Shaming
  • Social Media Pressure
  • Cyber Bullying among many others
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